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Configuring an ArcGIS data license

ArcGIS 11.2 (Linux)  | |  Help archive

Some Esri data products require a data license, which you typically apply using an ArcGIS Data License (.sdlic) file. A datalicinstall utility is included with ArcGIS Server to help you add an ArcGIS data license on Linux.

Adding a data license

  1. On the machine hosting ArcGIS Server, navigate to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/tools.
  2. Run ./datalicinstall <ArcGIS data license file>.

    If you already have a data license installed for a specific product and need to overwrite the license file, use the -o option when running the tool, for example, ./datalicinstall -o <ArcGIS data license file>.

Once the data license is installed, you can list the new license file name by running ./datalicinstall -l.

Removing a data license

  1. On the machine hosting ArcGIS Server, navigate to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/tools.
  2. Run ./datalicinstall -u:<ArcGIS data license file>.

For more information about how to use the tool, run ./datalicinstall -h.