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Types of cache layers

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ArcGIS Enterprise supports multiple layer types for caching content.

Map image layers

Map image layers are a type of web layer that include both feature and non-feature layers as sublayers. All sublayers in a map image layer can be visualized, and all feature sublayers can be queried. Map image layers can be configured to draw dynamically from data or from new or existing cached tiles.

When preparing a map layer from ArcGIS Pro to share as a map image layer, follow the steps in Author a multiscaled map for optimal performance.

When a map image layer is configured to draw using caching, the cache tiles are stored using a PNG or JPEG image format and are referred to as a raster cache.

Imagery layers

Imagery layers expose a selected raster dataset. They can be configured to draw dynamically from data or from new or existing cached tiles that are stored using raster tiles (PNG or JPEG) or an elevation cache (LERC image format).

Web tile layers

Web tile layers are collections of pre-drawn map images or tiles that are disconnected from a data source. Web tile layers allow for fast map visualization but do not provide query and identify functionalities.

For more information on when to create each type of web tile layer, see the Tile layers topic.

Raster tile layers

A raster tile layer is composed of cached raster tiles and is also referred to as a map tile cache. Raster tile layers are delivered to client applications as image files that have been prerendered and stored in your ArcGIS Enterprise.

Vector tile layers

A vector tile layer references a set of web-accessible tiles containing 2D content and a corresponding style for how those tiles will be drawn. Vector tile layers are similar to raster tile layers; however, vector tile layers store a vector representation of the data in point, line, or polygon formats. Unlike static raster layers, vector tile layers can adapt to the resolution of their display and can be restyled for multiple uses. Vector tile layers also have a smaller file size when compared to raster tile layers, which results in faster maps and better performance.

Elevation layers

Built for 3D content and specialized for elevation surface data, web elevation layers leverage a storage mechanism known as Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC), which handles tiles that connect through multiple levels of detail.

Web services

Cache content can be generated in ArcGIS Server for the following web services. See the Services and portal items topic for more information on the relationships between services and portal items.

See the Edit service caching properties in ArcGIS Server Manager topic to edit properties for map and image services published to ArcGIS Server.

Map services

Map services allow users to view and interact with GIS content on the web. Map services support visualization and querying and can be configured to draw dynamically from data using ArcGIS Pro or from new or existing cached tiles using ArcGIS Server. These services can also be configured to use ArcGIS Server Manager to draw new or existing caches.

Image services

Raster and image data can be shared as an image service using ArcGIS Server Manager. An image service provides access to raster data through a web service that can be configured to draw dynamically from data or from new or existing cached tiles.

When to use different layers with caching


CapabilitiesSource dataClientsPlatformsUpdate process

Map image layers/ Map services

Query, identify, and pop-up

Map (vector) and imagery content

All web and desktop clients

ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Server

  • Manage map server cache tiles GP tool
  • Overwrite web layer

Imagery layers/ Imagery services

Query, identify, and pop-up

Imagery content

All web and desktop clients

ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Server

  • Manage map server cache tiles GP tool
  • Overwrite web layer

Raster tile layers

Map (vector) and imagery content

All web and desktop clients

ArcGIS Enterprise

  • Replace layer

Vector tile layers

Vector content

Web browsers with WebGL support

Cannot be rendered in ArcMap

ArcGIS Enterprise

  • Replace layer
  • Rebuild layer

Elevation layers

Imagery content

ArcGIS Enterprise

  • Replace layer