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Content basics

ArcGIS 10.9.1  | |  Help archive

Content refers to the items, including apps, maps, and documents, that you want to display on your site or add to its search catalog.

Content libraries

Each site you create has a content library where you can add the items you want to share through your site's search. When you add items to a content library, the item is shared to the site's content group in Enterprise.


Items that are displayed on a site's layout are not automatically added to the site's content library. If you want these items to appear in your site's search results, you must add them to the content library.

Preview pages

Clicking a search result for an item opens one of the following preview pages depending on the item's content family:

  • Full details page (about view)—A comprehensive look at an item that includes its summary, thumbnail, and applicable key actions, such as downloading, viewing metadata, and creating maps and stories. All content has a full details page.
  • Explore page (explore view)—A full-screen display with a side panel of key information and actions. Most spatial and tabular data, as well as apps, have an explore page. A link to the item's full details page is included on the page's collapsible side panel.

These pages, also known as views, are nonconfigurable webpages that use the site's header, theme, and footer to ensure consistent formatting of your site's branding.

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