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Content basics

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Content refers to the items, including apps, maps, data, and documents, that you want to display on your site or add to its search catalog.

Content libraries

Each site you create has a content library where you can add the items that you want to share through your site's search. Items added to the content library are automatically added to the site's content group in Enterprise. This is a view access group, so items are visible in searches to those with whom the item is shared, such as supporting teams with view access or all members of the primary Enterprise organization. Content library items are managed by the groups added to a site, including the content group (added by default) and any groups added via the groups manager.


Items that are displayed on a site's layout are not automatically added to the site's content library. If you want these items to appear in search results for your site, first add them to the content library.

Site managers and core team members (see roles and privileges) can use the content group to display items on a site or page by using layout cards such as Application, Category, Survey, and more. These cards utilize content from different sources. To learn more, read about site layout design and adding commonly used cards.

Preview pages

Clicking a search result for a content item opens one of the following preview pages depending on the item's content family:

  • Full details page (about view)—A comprehensive view that includes a summary, thumbnail, and applicable key options, such as downloading, viewing metadata, and creating maps and stories. All items have a full details page. If the item has an explore page, you will see a button to View map (for a map) or a list of layers to click on (for a dataset).
  • Explore page (explore view)—A full-screen content display with a side panel of key information and options. Most spatial and tabular data, and apps and maps (but not all items), have an explore page. Items will first open in explore view, if it exists. You will see a button to access the full details page on the collapsible side panel.

These webpages, also known as views, are non-configurable. They use the site's header, theme, and footer to ensure consistent formatting of your site's branding.

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