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Add and configure Cleanup

ArcGIS 10.9.1  | |  Help archive

The Cleanup step deletes active job versions associated with a job. It also deletes the target version on the branch versioned feature service. When the step is run, it checks the job for active job versions to delete.


Versions owned by other users can only be deleted by a portal administrator. If an active job version is owned by another user, the version can't be deleted and the Cleanup step fails.

When the step finishes running, a message appears on the job tile with the result of the step.

If the step fails to delete all job versions associated with the job, a CleanupFailed message appears in the job tile and the job doesn't proceed to the next step. Hover over the error message to display additional information about the error.

If the step fails and the return codes don't match any of the configured paths, and the step isn't optional, the step remains in a failed state and can’t be skipped.

Configure the step

To configure the step, do the following:

  1. Create or edit a workflow diagram to access the Step Library panel.
  2. Drag Cleanup from the Step Library panel to a connection arrow of a step on the workflow canvas.

    The Step Details panel appears.

  3. Provide a name for the step in the Step Name text box.
  4. In the Arguments section, ensure that the Job Versions check box is checked.
  5. Click the Options tab.
  6. Configure Step Options as necessary.
    • Manual—Run the step manually.
      • Optional—Allow the step to be finished without being run.
    • Automatic—Run the step as soon as it becomes active.

      If your workflow diagram is configured to automatically run a sequence of steps that includes the Evaluate Data Quality or the Run GP Service step, steps that attempt to run after the user token that started the sequence of steps expires will not run automatically. You must have a license for the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server Advanced role to continue running the additional automated steps without manual intervention.

    • Run on a Schedule—Run the step according to a schedule you set.

      Learn more about scheduling options

  7. Optionally, provide help text for the step in the Step Help text box.

    You can also use the following example to display a dynamic value using ArcGIS Arcade expressions:

    'For further assistance, please contact ' + jobCreator($job) + '.'
  8. Optionally, click the Style tab to change the shape and color of the step.
  9. Optionally, click the About tab and provide a description for the step in the Step Description text box.

    The About tab also contains the step's ID that can be used with dynamic job properties to obtain a step's output.

Return value

When the step is completed, its return value is stored to indicate the result of the step. The return value can be immediately evaluated using paths to determine the next steps in the workflow. You can also retrieve the return value for completed steps throughout the workflow using ArcGIS Arcade expressions. The following table lists the step's return values:

Return valuesDescription


The step completed successfully.


The step failed to complete successfully.

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