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Adding DGN or DWG data

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The CAD files in DGN and DWG format are frequently used to store drawings of engineering projects. A single DGN or DWG file can encompass line, point, polygon, and annotation layers. You can add DGN or DWG data in Event Editor using the following steps.


  • You need a DGN or DWG file and a PRJ (projection) file with the same name to add the data to the map.
  • The DGN or DWG file remains in the map until the end of the browser session.

  1. Open Event Editor and, if prompted, sign in to Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online.
  2. Click the Map tab.
  3. In the Contents group, click the Add Data button Add Data.

    The DGN and DWG options appear.

  4. Choose an option for adding a file.
    • Click DGN to add a DGN file to the map.
    • Click DWG to add a DWG file to the map.
  5. 单击下一步
  6. Browse to the folder containing DGN or DWG data and select one DGN or DWG file and one PRJ file with the same name.
  7. 单击打开

The DGN or DWG data is added to the map.