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Configuring Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online for Event Editor

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You can use Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online to configure security for the Event Editor web app. Use the following steps to register Event Editor.

  1. Sign in to your Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online account.
  2. Click My Content.
  3. Click Add item.
  4. Choose An Application.

    The Application dialog box appears.

    Adding the Event Editor app

  5. Choose Web Mapping as the type of item.
  6. Choose Ready to Use as the purpose of the web app.
  7. Choose JavaScript as the API.
  8. Type the URL of the Event Editor web app.

    For example, http://<myServer>/Event Editor

  9. Type the name of the web app in the Title text box.
  10. Type tags in the form of words or short phrases that describe your item.
  11. Click Add Item.
  12. Click My Content.
  13. Click the item you just added from the list of items.
  14. Click the Settings tab.
  15. Register Event Editor with your portal by clicking Register in the App Registration section.
    1. Choose Browser as the app type.
    2. Specify the Redirect URL, which should be the server hosting your Event Editor web app.

      For example, http://<myServer>.

    3. Click Add.
    4. Click Register.

      Once you have registered your app, you will be provided with an app ID.

      Learn more about registering Event Editor with Portal for ArcGIS

    5. Copy the ID that was provided.
  16. Open the Learn more about registering Event Editor with Portal for ArcGIS configuration file (config.json) in the EventEditor web folder.

    This folder may be located at <Installation location>\Server\Web\EventEditor.

  17. Browse to the portalAppId section and paste the app ID provided when you registered Event Editor.
  18. Publish and configure the map service.