A spatiotemporal data source can be created to store high-volume observation data. Use feature services to access the data and map services to visualize the data. Use the data source settings to manage read and write performance, while also ensuring resiliency, redundancy, and more.
Create Data Source
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name of the data source. The name cannot be modified after the data source is created. |
GeoEvent Definition | The GeoEvent Definition used to define the schema of the data source. The GeoEvent Definition cannot be modified after the data source is created. Note:Only GeoEvent Definitions that do not include Group fields and fields with a cardinality of Many are supported. |
Geometry Type | The type of geometry the data source will store. Available geometry types include point, polygon, polyline, multipoint, and no geometry. The geometry type cannot be modified after the data source is created. |
Max Record Count | The maximum number of features to render or query. The max record count can be modified after the data source is created. |
Advanced settings
Parameter | Description |
Replication Factor | Specifies the number of replicas, or copies, for each record to ensure resiliency. Specifying a replication factor of 0 tells the spatiotemporal big data store to only create one copy, no replication. The default of 1 specifies that a single replica of the record will be created. Data replication only makes sense when multiple spatiotemporal big data store nodes are available running on multiple servers for fault-tolerant operation. |
Number of Shards | A data source is partitioned, or split, into multiple shards where each shard holds a portion of the data. The number of shards defines how many partitions of the data should be created. Increasing the number of shards can increase indexing performance, but too many shards can reduce query performance. Note:The best practice is to set this parameter to Auto so the system determines the appropriate number of shards. When set to Auto, the number is calculated based on the number of nodes in the spatiotemporal big data store cluster, along with a constant factor based on the specified Rolling Data Option parameter value. |
Refresh Interval (seconds) | Specifies the time interval in seconds that new or updated events are indexed in the data source. Higher values will result in higher indexed events per second write speed performance, but it will increase the latency of written events being indexed and available for querying. A value of -1 disables data indexing, for a period of time, until the value is set back to a positive number. Dynamically changing the value to -1 and back for a period of time is useful for cases where there is a large number of events, allowing for a bulk-indexing with better performance. |
ObjectID Option | Specifies the type of ObjectID that is generated for feature records in the data source.
ObjectID Block Size | Specifies the number of object identifiers to allocate per request. |
Rolling Data Option | Specifies the time after which the index is rolled and a new index is created. This helps with the distribution of data across many data sources versus having all of the data in one source, and thus improves searching and querying speeds. The data may be rolled on a Century, Decade, Yearly, Monthly, Daily, or Hourly basis. If GeoEvent Server is writing and storing large amounts of data to the spatiotemporal big data store, set this parameter to Hourly, Daily, or Monthly to maintain optimal performance of the spatiotemporal big data store. |
Shrink Option | Specifies the shrink strategy for data shards that will be rolled over. When Shrink is selected, rolled-over data will be compressed into fewer shards. When No Shrink is selected, rolled-over data shards will not be compressed. While shrinking reduces the number of outstanding shards, thereby improving stability, compressing data reduces query performance. Note:The Shrink Option can be updated at any time, however compressed shards cannot be decompressed. Shrinking of data will occur on upgrade with the default Shrink option. Set to No Shrink to avoid compressing the existing shards. |
Data Retention Option (Optional) | Specifies the length of time data will be retained in the data source. After the time has expired, data will be purged from the data source. The minimum time data can be retained is 1 hour. |
Data Retention Where (Optional) | Specifies a WHERE clause for keeping or retaining specific features in the data source. Features that meet the WHERE clause will be retained when the data retention interval has lapsed. |
Service settings
Parameter | Description |
Create | Specifies the type of services to create that reference the data in the data source. Options include map and feature services. |
Spatial Reference | Specifies the spatial reference Well Known Identifier (WKID) or Well Known Text (WKT). The default value is 4326 (GCS WGS 1984). |
Display Field Name | The name of the field to be used as the primary label field. |
Background Color | Defines the background color of the map service. By default, the background color is fully transparent. Full transparency prevents any underlying base map from becoming obscured. |
Add Aggregation Style | Add a new aggregation style for the map service. Supported styles include Geohash, Square, Flat Hexagon or Triangle, and Pointy Hexagon or Triangle. For each new style, define a spatial reference and level of detail (zoom). |
Feature Threshold | Specifies the default number of features rendered by the map service before switching to an aggregation. For example, setting the feature threshold to a value of 200 means that up to 200 discrete features will be rendered by the map service. Any additional discrete features will cause the map service to render aggregated bins. |
Aggregation styles
Parameter | Description |
Add Aggregation Style | Add a new aggregation style for the map service or modify an existing aggregation style. Supported styles include Geohash, Square, Flat Hexagon or Triangle, and Pointy Hexagon or Triangle. For each new style, define a spatial reference and level of detail (scales). |
Aggregation rendering
Parameter | Description |
Feature Threshold | Specifies the default number of features rendered by the map service before switching to an aggregation. For example, setting the feature threshold to 200 means that up to 200 discrete features will be rendered by the map service. Any additional discrete features will cause the map service to begin rendering data in aggregation view. |
Aggregation Style | Defines the aggregation style used to aggregate features. Options include Geohash, Square, Flat Hexagon, Pointy Hexagon, Flat Triangle, and Pointy Triangle. |
Bin Rendering Style | Defines the rendering style of the bin. |
Aggregation Method | Specifies the method for calculating the aggregated bin value. Count defines the bin value using the raw number of features within each bin. Statistics calculates the value for each bin based on the field value from each feature and the statistic type. |
Statistics Field | Specifies the field used for calculating the aggregated bin statistic value. |
Statistics Type | Specifies the statistic method used for calculating the aggregated bin value. The type of statistic is applied to values in the Statistic Field. The data type of the statistic field determines what type of statistic options are available. For example, choosing a string type field for the statistic field will provide Count and Count Distinct as options. Choosing an integer type field will provide Average, Maximum, Minimum, Standard Deviation, Sum, Variance, as well as Count and Count Distinct as options. |
Show Labels | Defines whether to label each aggregation bin. |
Label Style | Specifies the rendering style for labels in each aggregation bin including Font, Size, Style, Format, and Color. The default label style uses the Arial, 12, plain, ###.##, and black. |
Min Bin Size (pixels) | Specifies the minimum bin size by pixel count that will be used when creating bins for the largest level of detail (scales). The bin pixel size will not be smaller than the defined value. The default is 25 pixels. |
LOD Offset | Specifies an optional offset value that is applied to the level of detail. Can be specified as a positive or negative integer value. |
Bin Renderer | Specifies the rendering settings used for interpolating the aggregation bin rendering color and style.
Normalize By Bin Area | Specifies whether to normalize the bins by geographic area. Bins that appear the same size on a map can cover a different geographically size area. For example, a bin at the equator covers a larger geographic area than a bin at the north pole even though both are the same size on the map. Enabling normalization means that a bin at the equator will have a lighter color, while a bin at the north pole will have a darker color, assuming the fill color the max range value uses is a darker color than the min range value. Disabling normalization will treat all bins as the same size geographic area. |
Feature rendering
Parameter | Description |
Style | Defines the simple marker symbol style for features with a point or multipoint geometry. Available options include Circle, Cross, Diamond, Square, X, Triangle, and Pointer. |
Angle | Defines the number of degrees (0 to 360) the simple marker symbol is rotated for point and multipoint geometry. The rotation is from east in a counterclockwise direction where east is the 0 degree axis. |
Color | Defines the color for each feature. Applies to all supported geometry types. |
Size | Defines the size of each feature with a point or multipoint geometry. |
Width | Defines the width of each feature with a polyline geometry. |
Outline Color | Defines the outline color of each feature with a point, polygon, or multipoint geometry. |
Outline Width | Defines the outline width of each feature with a point, polygon, or multipoint geometry. |
X-OffSet | Defines the value, in pixels, to offset the discrete features on the X-axis. |
Y-OffSet | Defines the value, in pixels, to offset the discrete features on the Y-axis. |
Rotate Symbols (degree) | Enables the ability to dynamically rotate the simple marker symbol for point or multipoint features. |
Rotation Type | Specifies the rotation type.
Rotation Field | Specifies the field from the data that has the angle of rotation value in degrees (0-360). |
Time information
Parameter | Description |
Time Interval | Specifies the time interval value representing a useful time step for the data in the data source. The time interval is used by client applications such as an ArcGIS Online web map that needs to set time aware control settings. An example of a time aware control setting is the step size for a time slider. |
Time Interval Units | Defines the units for the Time Interval. Options include Milliseconds, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Decades, or Centuries. |
Has Live Data | Specifies whether the data source will have a live data feed. This setting is used by client applications needing to set time aware control settings. |
Z information
Parameter | Description |
Has Z | Specifies whether the service(s) has Z geometry values. |
Enable Z Defaults | Specifies whether the service(s) should have a default Z geometry value. |
Z Default | Specifies the default Z geometry value that should be used. |