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What's new in ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 11.0

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 11.0 includes expanded analytic capabilities, improved usability, and stability enhancements throughout the product. For a list of issues that were fixed at 11.0, see the 11.0 Issues Addressed List.

General updates

  • When upgrading from a previous version to ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 11.0, your configuration will not be automatically upgraded as a part of this installation and will need to be manually exported prior and imported after successful completion of the GeoEvent Server 11.0 installation. For details on exporting and restoring a GeoEvent Server configuration, see Backup and restore your GeoEvent Server site configuration.
  • Significantly improved performance when discovering and selecting feature services in your ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS Online registered data stores.
  • Improved performance and load times for GeoEvent Manager.
  • GeoEvent Server can now leverage authorized service layers shared from other users in your organization.
  • New flexible access and control over your GeoEvent Server configuration including a readable, file-based configuration store that supports network installation.
  • The Query Definition parameter's where clause now defaults to 1=1 when importing geofences and adding geofence synchronization rules. For more about the geofencing capabilities in GeoEvent Server, see Geofences.
  • Important updates to backend libraries and dependencies.


  • The Kafka input connectors now supports connecting to Kafka clusters secured with SASL/SCRAM.
  • The GeoJSON inbound adapter utilized by the GeoJSON input connectors now supports fields with multi-cardinality.

Spatiotemporal big data store

  • Improved performance loading data sources and services on the spatiotemporal big data store page.