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Configure layers

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

In Scene Viewer, creating interesting visualizations of data in your scenes is perhaps the most important aspect of getting your message across to your audience. Configure Layer gives you many options to focus your story through visualization, such as changing the color, shape, and size of your data or applying transparencies or pop-ups to layers. With smart mapping styles, for example, you can display average income levels in communities in 3D with a sequence of colors and objects, such as from light-color and small-size to dark-color and large-size. You can apply styles to your scene if you have point, building (3D object), or point cloud data. If you have line or polygon feature data, you can change symbols without styles. Finally, there are additional configure layer options that are available for other layer types depending on the nature of the data.

To open Configure Layer, do the following:

  1. Verify you are signed in to the portal and open Scene Viewer.
  2. Click Modify scene Modify scene at the upper left of your screen to open the Scene designer.
  3. Open Configure Layer by clicking the layer name or hover over the layer, click the drop-down menu, and select Configure Layer.

Change style

Using Scene Viewer, you can explore your layers through smart mapping styles. With point styles, you can symbolize your data uniformly or choose a style that focuses on the layer attributes. Building styles give you options to apply colors and textures consistently across the layer or add coloring based on the value of the attributes. Finally, with point cloud styles, you can symbolize your point clouds in a variety of ways, such as by elevation, class, or intensity.

Additional configure layer options

For layers without styling or changing symbols options, the layer type determines the available Configure Layer options. For example, imagery and raster layers have limited options available, such as transparency and legend, and integrated mesh scene layers have an elevation offset option.

Designate elevation offset

For an integrated mesh scene layer, for Offset, enter a positive or negative value in meters to offset the layer higher or lower, respectively. Absolute height is automatically set for Elevation Mode.

Adjust transparency

You can adjust the transparency of your layers by sliding the Transparency slider to increase or decrease the transparency. The percentage is indicated above the slider.

Display pop-ups

If pop-ups are available in your layer, you can click the Pop-ups toggle key to enable pop-ups in your scene. Features are highlighted and display in-depth information about the features when you click hem.

View the legend

A legend displays the meaning of the symbols used to represent features in your scene. Legends consist of 2D and 3D symbols in your scene with explanatory text. You can modify the legend by changing the visibility of layers, symbology, and the names of the layers.

  1. Click the Legend toggle key to show or hide the layer in the Layers/Legend tool Layers/Legend.
  2. To view the legend, click the Layers/Legend tool Layers/Legend and click Legend.

    Legend hides layers that are not in the current extent.