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Configure general settings

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

As an administrator of your organization, you can enter a name, thumbnail image, and description for your site. You can also choose a default language, create a custom contact link, and define a shared theme for web apps created by organization members. This is a privilege reserved for the administrator role. The default language for the portal website is English. To change the language settings, sign in as an administrator and follow the steps below.

  1. Sign in to the portal website as an administrator of your organization and click Organization on the top menu.

    Your organization page appears.

  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Click General on the left side of the page.
  4. Configure any of the following general settings:
  5. Click Save to save the changes you've made.

Logo and name

Enter the name you want to represent your website in the Name field. Your name can contain up to 55 characters. To add a logo, click Click to change thumbnail and browse to the image file on your desktop. Acceptable image formats are PNG, GIF, and JPEG. To remove your existing logo, click the X in the upper corner of the thumbnail.

The name is displayed in the gallery title and on the organization page. The logo is displayed on the home and organization pages. For best results, the logo should be 65 pixels wide by 65 pixels high. If your logo is a different dimension, it is resized to 65 by 65 on all pages except the home page and may appear warped. On the home page, your logo is not resized and appears within the banner image.

If you use HTML to configure the home page banner, the logo and portal name do not appear unless you include them in your HTML.


Enter a description for your organization. To paste or type your own supported HTML code, switch to the HTML source code view.

If you want the description to appear on the home page, check Show description toward bottom of Home Page. It appears under the banner.

Default text is inserted in the description at the bottom of the home page. To remove or change this text, type your own description.


Enter a short summary of your organization that will appear on the sign in page associated with your custom apps and sites. The summary can contain up to 310 characters.


Choose the default display language of the website. The language you specify determines the language that appears in the user interface as well as the way time, date, and numerical values appear. By default, the organization language is set to English. To specify another language for the website, choose the desired language from the drop-down list, or choose Browser Default to use the browser's language setting to display the website.

Individual members can set their own preferred language in their user profile. This allows users to override the organization language after they sign in to the website. Users who do not have an ArcGIS organizational account cannot specify their own language. If your website is accessed by users who do not have an organizational account, consider using the Browser Default setting.


Changing the locale of the organization will only update the user interface of the portal to display in the language you prefer. To view the portal help in a non-English language, you'll need to download and install the language pack from My Esri.

Number and date format

If you set the language to English or Spanish, you can also specify how numbers and dates are displayed in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal by choosing one of the locale options from the Number and date format drop-down menu. For example, if the language is set to English, you can choose to display dates and numbers using the formats defined in the Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) for Australia, Great Britain, Canada, or the United States. Individual organization members can change the number and date format through their profile page.


Currently, you can only set the Number and date format when English or Spanish is selected as the language. The Number and date format setting is not reflected in the date values displayed in attribute tables, map labels, or animation time slices, or when viewing pop-ups. However, you can create a simple Arcade attribute expression using the Text() function to change the format of dates in pop-ups.

Administrative contacts

Choose the administrator or administrators who will be listed as points of contact for your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. If these contacts are provided, the names of the specified administrators will be visible to all non administrator organization members on the Organization page. If the administrative contacts want to provide contact details, such as an email address, this should be added to the Bio section of the user's profile.


Check the Contact Us box and enter a website URL or mailto: link for the custom contact link at the footer of the site. Be aware that if your organization allows anonymous access, anyone who finds your URL will be able to see your contact information. Uncheck the box to hide the contact link.

Shared theme

Specify the brand colors and logo (if needed) that you want to apply to supported configurable web apps and Story Maps, and Web AppBuilder apps. If you want to specify a logo, you can enter a URL reference for the logo in the Logo Image box or click Upload Logo to upload an image file that will be stored as a public item in your content. The logo URL reference must use the HTTPS protocol or it will not be recognized as valid. You can also make the logo clickable by entering the target website URL in the Logo Link box. After you save your changes, these settings will be applied automatically to any new supported apps that members of your organization create. Currently, most Story Maps and other configurable apps support Shared Theme.

App launcher

Add web apps to the App Launcher window to make them available to organization members. Licensed apps automatically appear in the app launcher for members with appropriate licenses. To make other web apps available to organization members, see Manage apps in the app launcher.