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Checking server diagnostics using the diagnostics tool

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ArcGIS Server includes a diagnostics tool you can use to validate that your machine meets the minimum system requirements and verify the software is working as expected. If any issues are encountered when running the tool, it will list a possible cause and solution to the problem.

When you initially launch the software installation, the tool runs automatically to validate that your machine meets the minimum system requirements. Address any issues noted by the tool before proceeding with the installation. If you experience issues after installation, run the tool to help you identify and diagnose problems. For example, you can run the tool to verify if all core ArcGIS Server services are started.

Running the tool

You'll run the server diagnostics tool from the command line on the machine hosting ArcGIS Server. To run the tool, browse to the <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/tools/serverdiag directory in the command line and execute serverdiag.

Keep in mind that you'll need to run this tool as the ArcGIS Server installation owner. This is the user who owns the ArcGIS Server installation directory. For the tool to execute, the installation owner needs at least read and write permissions to the /tmp directory on the machine hosting ArcGIS Server.

Interpreting server diagnostics

After running the tool, a report is generated that contains a summary of all the server diagnostic checks performed. It also indicates if the checks display a warning, or if they passed, failed, or are not applicable to the system.

Each check is identified with a code formatted DIAG<number> followed by the status of the check performed. For an explanation of each diagnostics check, see the table below. You can use this information to analyze the current state of the machine hosting ArcGIS Server.

Check numberCheck titleDescription


Check for installation as root

Running ArcGIS Server as root is a security risk and is not supported. This check will return a failure if ArcGIS Server is detected to be installed as root.


Check for 64-bit architecture

ArcGIS Server is supported only on 64-bit architecture. If the machine is 32-bit architecture, this check will fail. Consult the system requirements for supported operating systems.


Check OS version

A warning will display if the operating system is not of a supported Linux distribution or version. Consult the system requirements for supported Linux platforms and OS versions. If the operating system is not of a supported Linux distribution, the other checks will not be performed.


Check host name for invalid characters

Valid characters for the host name of the GIS server machine include alphanumeric a–z, 0–9, and minus (-) and dot (.) characters, as outlined in the RFC 952 specification. The check will fail if the host name contains one or more invalid characters.


Check installed packages

Depending on the Linux distribution used, this check validates that the required operating system packages are installed for the proper support of ArcGIS Server. It the check fails, it will return a warning with the missing packages needed for the machine. Consult the system requirements for details.


Check system limits

For ArcGIS Server to run properly, the file handle limits for the installation user are required to be set to 65535and the number of processes limits set to 25059. This check validates whether these limits are set properly in the /etc/security/limits.conf file. If the limits are set incorrectly, this check fails. To verify, run the following:

ulimit -Hn -Hu

ulimit -Sn -Su

For additional details, see the ArcGIS Server Installation Guide.


Check HTTP port

ArcGIS Server communicates through port 6080. This check verifies if the HTTP port 6080 is in use by another user or process. If this check returns a warning, ArcGIS Server will not run properly. To correct this issue, open port 6080 and restart ArcGIS Server.


Check HTTPS port

When SSL is enabled, ArcGIS Server uses port 6443 by default. This check verifies if the HTTPS port 6443 is in use by another user or process. If this check returns a warning, ArcGIS Server will not run properly. To correct this issue, open port 6443 and restart ArcGIS Server.


Check Xvfb ports

ArcGIS Server requires Xvfb and will start it on any port in the range of 6600–6619. If this check returns a warning, ArcGIS Server will not run properly. To correct this issue, open one of the ports in the range of 6600–6619 and restart ArcGIS Server.


Check host name IP address mismatches

If the host name entry for the machine in the /etc/hosts file does not match the IP address of the machine, this check will return a warning. This will cause ArcGIS Server to function improperly. To correct this issue, fix the host name entry and restart ArcGIS Server.


Check /etc/hosts for host name entry

The host name entry for the machine in the /etc/hosts file must be formatted as <IP> <FQDN> <Machine_name>. Otherwise, federating an ArcGIS Server site with a portal will fail. Update the host name entry before creating your ArcGIS Server site.


Check processes for ArcGIS Server core services

The check verifies if all the core services are started after ArcGIS Server is started. It returns a warning if one or more core services are not started. To correct this issue, start ArcGIS Server by running the script or restart ArcGIS Server if it is already running.