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Configuring an ArcGIS data license

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Some Esri data products require a data license, which you typically apply using an ArcGIS Data License (.sdlic) file. A datalicinstall utility is included with ArcGIS Server to help you add an ArcGIS data license on Linux.

Adding a data license

  1. On the machine hosting ArcGIS Server, navigate to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/tools.
  2. Run ./datalicinstall <ArcGIS data license file>.

    If you already have a data license installed for a specific product and need to overwrite the license file, use the -o option when running the tool, for example, ./datalicinstall -o <ArcGIS data license file>.

Once the data license is installed, you can list the new license file name by running ./datalicinstall -l.

Removing a data license

  1. On the machine hosting ArcGIS Server, navigate to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/tools.
  2. Run ./datalicinstall -u:<ArcGIS data license file>.

For more information about how to use the tool, run ./datalicinstall -h.