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Create apps from maps

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can create a web app with a map using a configurable app, Web AppBuilder, or Operations Dashboard. Different configurable apps, Web AppBuilder, and Operations Dashboard offer various functionality, such as layouts and color schemes, editing and identify tools, social media feeds, side-by-side map viewers, and so on. Choose a configurable app or open Web AppBuilder or Operations Dashboard, configure the components, and publish the app. You can access Web AppBuilder and Operations Dashboard from Map Viewer, the content page, or the item page. Another way to create an app is to download a template and deploy it to your organization's web server.


Web AppBuilder and Operations Dashboard require an organizational account.

A published web app is based on a map authored with Map Viewer. Any changes the author makes to the map, including its extent, layers, description, and so on, are reflected in the web app. If a map that was available to everyone in the organization is made private (or deleted), the map no longer appears in the app.

Create an app starting from Map Viewer

To create an app starting from Map Viewer, follow the steps below. You can use the Map Viewer Share pop-up to create an app using a configurable template, Web AppBuilder, or Operations Dashboard.

  1. Verify that you are signed in with privileges to create and share content.
  2. Open a saved map in Map Viewer and click Share. You can only make an app with a map that is shared. If you own the map, share it by specifying sharing options in the Share window. If you don't own the map, contact the owner and have them share it as necessary.

    Note that both the map and the layers in it must be shared. If the layers are not shared, you will be prompted to update the sharing status for layers before you can create an app.

  3. Click Create A Web App.

    The Share pop-up appears with the following tabs: Configurable Apps, Web AppBuilder, and Operations Dashboard.

  4. To use a configurable template on the Configurable Apps tab, do the following:
    1. Choose what you want the app to do.

      By default, all apps are shown, but you can use the filters in the panel to narrow your search.

    2. Click a template thumbnail to see a description of the template and access the Create Web App button.
    3. Click Create Web App to start configuring your app.
    4. Type a title, tags, and a summary for your app and choose the folder in which to save the app.
    5. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your app. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
    6. If you want to immediately share this app, check the Share this app in the same way as the map box. If you do not check this box, you'll need to specify how to share the app from My Content.
    7. Click Done to publish the app.
    8. Optionally change the components of the app, such as the theme, widgets, and miscellaneous items. Click Save when you are finished configuring the app.
  5. To use Web AppBuilder, do the following:
    1. Click the Web AppBuilder tab.
    2. Type a title, tags, and a summary for your app.
    3. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your app. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
    4. Choose the folder in which to save the app.
    5. Choose whether to apply the same sharing properties to the app as you have on the map.
    6. Click Get Started to configure your app in Web AppBuilder.
  6. To use Operations Dashboard, do the following:
    1. Click the Operations Dashboard tab.

      Operations Dashboard requires an organizational account. You will not see the tab if you are signed in with a public account.

    2. Type a title, tags, and a summary for your app.
    3. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your app. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
    4. Choose the folder in which to save the app.
    5. Choose whether to apply the same sharing properties to the app as you have on the map.
    6. Click Done to open Operations Dashboard and continue creating your app.

Create an app starting from the content page

To create an app starting from the content page, follow the steps below.

  1. Verify that you are signed in with privileges to create content.
  2. From the My Content tab of the content page, click Create.
  3. To use a configurable app, click Using a Template and do the following:
    1. Choose a configurable app.

      By default, all apps are shown, but you can use the filters in the panel to narrow your search.

    2. Click a template thumbnail to see a description of the template and access the Create App button.
    3. Click Create App to start configuring your app.
    4. Type a title, tags, and a summary.
    5. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your app. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
    6. Optionally select a different folder in My Content in which to save your app.
    7. Click Done to publish the app. (To make your app accessible to others, you need to share it.)
    8. Select a map to use in the app and click OK.
    9. Optionally change the components of the app, such as the theme, widgets, and miscellaneous items. Click Save when you are done configuring the app.
  4. To use Web AppBuilder, click Using the Web AppBuilder and do the following:

    Web AppBuilder requires an organizational account.

    1. Type a title, tags, and a summary.
    2. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your app. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
    3. Optionally select a different folder in My Content in which to save your app.
    4. Click Get Started to open Web AppBuilder and continue creating your app.
  5. To use Operations Dashboard, click Using Operations Dashboard and do the following:

    Operations Dashboard requires an organizational account.

    1. Type a title, tags, and a summary.
    2. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your app. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
    3. Optionally select a different folder in My Content in which to save your app.
    4. Click Done to open Operations Dashboard and continue creating your app.

Create an app starting from the item page

To create an app starting from the item page of a map, follow the steps below:

  1. Verify that you are signed in with privileges to create content.
  2. From the My Content tab of the content page, open the item page of the map you want to use to create an app.
  3. To create a configurable app, click Create App > Using a Template and do the following:
    1. Choose a configurable app.

      By default, all apps are shown, but you can use the filters in the panel to narrow your search.

    2. Click a thumbnail to see a description of the app and access the Create Web App button.
    3. Click Create Web App to start configuring your app.
    4. Type a title, tags, and a summary.
    5. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your app. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
    6. Optionally select a different folder in which to save your app.
    7. Click Done to publish the app.

      Your app is published to your portal and an unshared item is added to My Content. (To make your app accessible to others, you need to share it.)

    8. Change any other configurable components in the app, such as the theme, widgets, and miscellaneous items.
    9. Click Save to save your changes and click Close when you are finished configuring your app.
  4. To use Web AppBuilder, click Create Web App > Using the Web AppBuilder and do the following:

    Web AppBuilder requires an organizational account.

    1. Type a title, tags, and a summary.
    2. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your app. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
    3. Optionally select a different folder in which to save your app.
    4. Click Get Started to open Web AppBuilder and continue creating your app.
  5. To use Operations Dashboard, click Create Web App > Using Operations Dashboard and do the following:

    Operations Dashboard requires an organizational account.

    1. Type a title, tags, and a summary.
    2. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find your app. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.
    3. Optionally select a different folder in which to save your app.
    4. Click Done to open Operations Dashboard and continue creating your app.