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What's new in ArcGIS Server 11.0

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

For a list of issues that were fixed at 11.0, see the 11.0 Issues Addressed List.

Before upgrading to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0, review considerations for upgrades and all retirement notices included in this release:

Each notice includes a recommended alternative to the retired feature or workflow, which may include requirements to recreate existing services, SOEs and SOIs, or apps after upgrading. In addition, read considerations for upgrades to 11.0 and later.

Review the deprecation notice to determine whether your hardware and software components are compatible with version 11.0 and to see a list of functionality that has been deprecated.

New features and requirements in 11.0 are described in the following sections.

End of support for ArcMap-based workflows

At this release, ArcMap-based workflows are no longer supported in ArcGIS Enterprise. The 11.0 software includes the ArcGIS Pro-based runtime and no longer includes the ArcMap-based runtime.

Learn more about your options to migrate services

This change may impact your workflows, as it means the following are no longer supported:

  • Install ArcMap on the same machine as ArcGIS Server 11.0.
  • Administer or publish services from ArcMap to ArcGIS Server 11.0.
  • Start services that were created from ArcMap-based runtime.
  • Use ArcGIS Server Manager to publish an .sd file that originated from ArcMap.
  • Build or consume ArcObjects SOEs and SOIs.

User connections from ArcMap to ArcGIS Server 11.0 continues to be supported and allows for the consumption of services in ArcMap.

Support for .NET framework-based extensions built with ArcGIS Enterprise SDK

ArcGIS Pro 3.0 introduces support for .NET 6.0. To stay in sync with this change, the ArcGIS Enterprise SDK also requires .NET 6.0 and has removed support for SOEs/SOIs built using 4.8 and earlier versions of the .NET Framework. Learn more in the ArcGIS Enterprise SDK .NET guide.

Geodata services

A geodata service allows you to access a geodatabase through a local area network (LAN) or through the internet using ArcGIS Server. Starting at ArcGIS Pro 3.0, you can publish geodata services to ArcGIS Enterprise on Windows and Linux versions 10.9.1 and later.

See Geodata service for more information.

Other ArcGIS Enterprise components

ArcGIS Production Mapping and ArcGIS Defense Mapping, which were part of the ArcGIS Mapping and Charting solutions installation setup, are now included in the ArcGIS Server installation setup. ArcGIS Maritime is now its own setup.

See the following to find out what's new in specific ArcGIS Server roles, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Data Store, and the ArcGIS REST API Services Directory: