ArcGIS Workflow Manager allows you to reroute a job's workflow by setting a step as the job's active step.
If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you can't reroute the workflow.
- Access the Workflow Manager web app.
- Click the Manage tab.
The Manage page appears.
- Locate the job you want to reroute and choose it in the List view.
The Details panel appears.
You can also choose the job in the job list on the Work page and expand the Details panel.
- Click the Diagram & Map button
- Expand the Diagram section if necessary.
- Optionally, click the Maximize Diagram button
to show the workflow diagram in a pop-up window.
- Right-click and drag the workflow diagram to pan around and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
- Right-click the step you want to activate and click Set As Current.
You can't activate a step when another step is running.
A confirmation message appears, and the current step is highlighted in the workflow diagram.