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Configure ArcGIS Notebook Server with the portal

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After you install ArcGIS Notebook Server, configure it with Docker, create a server site, and register a web adaptor with it, you can configure the site with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. To do so, you'll add the Notebook Server site to the portal and configure the server role.

Add the server site and configure the server role

To configure the ArcGIS Notebook Server site with your portal, complete the following steps. This will allow users to create and edit notebooks in the portal.

  1. If you're federating an ArcGIS Notebook Server that uses a wildcard security certificate, import the root certificate into your portal before federating.

    If the portal only has a wildcard certificate for the federated server, it cannot validate the certificate CNAME or publish services and perform some other operations.

  2. Sign in to the Portal for ArcGIS website as an administrator and browse to Organization > Settings > Servers.

    You must connect to the website through the Web Adaptor URL (such as Do not use the internal URL on port 7443.

  3. Click Add Server Site.
  4. Provide the following information:
    • Services URL—The URL used by external users when accessing the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. If the site includes the Web Adaptor, the URL includes the Web Adaptor address, for example, If you've added ArcGIS Notebook Server to your organization's reverse proxy server, the URL is the reverse proxy server address (for example, Note that the federation operation performs a validation check to determine if the provided Services URL is accessible from the server site. If the validation check fails, a warning is generated in the Portal for ArcGIS logs. However, federation will not fail if the Services URL is not validated, as the URL may not be accessible from the server site, such as when the server site is behind a firewall.
    • Administration URL—The URL used for accessing ArcGIS Server when performing administrative operations on the internal network, for example,

      For a multimachine notebook server site, use the web adaptor or reverse proxy URL in this field instead. This is necessary because the Administration URL must be a URL that the portal can use to communicate with all servers in the site, even when one of them is unavailable.

    • Username—The name of the primary site administrator account you provided when installing ArcGIS Notebook Server.
    • Password—The password of the primary site administrator account.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click the Configure server role tab.
  7. Turn on the Notebook Server role.
  8. Click Save server role.

The Notebook tab now appears on the top ribbon of the portal. Clicking the Notebook tab opens a new notebook.

Prepare sample notebooks for use

Your ArcGIS Notebook Server site comes with a sample notebooks gallery. These sample notebooks demonstrate a variety of workflows in data science, spatial analysis, content management, and GIS administration.

Many of the sample notebooks in the gallery reference hosted feature layers and other items in the portal, which must first be published. To do so, run the sample notebook Prepare portal items for notebooks. This notebook publishes a number of CSV files, zipped shapefiles, and service definition files, all of which are contained in a directory named files_to_publish.

Follow these steps to run the notebook:

  1. Sign in as a user with privileges to create notebooks.
  2. On the navigation bar of your organization, click Notebook.

    The Notebooks home page opens.

  3. Click the Esri sample notebooks tab.
  4. In the gallery, locate and open the sample notebook Administration: Prepare portal items for notebooks.
  5. Run the sample notebook.
  6. In the notebook editor, click Cell > Run All.

    If applicable, you'll be prompted to select an ArcGIS Image Server site, to which your notebooks will publish image layers.

  7. Share the services created by the sample notebook with your Organization, or with a specific group for ArcGIS Notebooks users.

When the notebook finishes running, all sample notebooks in your portal will be ready to run.

Next, create a custom role (or multiple roles) for your notebook authors to grant them the necessary privileges.