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Localize ArcGIS Notebook Server

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can localize the ArcGIS Notebooks user interface by changing the display language of the ArcGIS Enterprise portal site your ArcGIS Notebook Server has been configured with.

For information on how to change your portal's display language, see Localize Portal for ArcGIS.

Localize the help documentation

The English help documentation is installed as part of the ArcGIS Notebook Server setup. To view the help in a language other than English, download and install the ArcGIS Notebook Server Help Language Pack from My Esri. The language pack contains help in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified Han), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, and Spanish.

Install the ArcGIS Notebook Server Help Language pack via the command line

You can also install the ArcGIS Notebook Server Help Language Pack through the command line. The process requires user interaction to select the language to be installed. Follow these steps:

  1. Run the ArcGIS Notebook Server language pack setup script on the machine where ArcGIS Notebook Server is installed, and follow the instructions to select the language to be installed.

    $ ./

  2. You will see the following information returned by the setup script:

    This setup will install localized help files for all supported languages and add help shortcuts for the language specified below.
            a: Arabic - عربي
            b: French - Français
            c: German - Deutsch
            d: Italian - Italiano
            e: Japanese - 日本語
            f: Korean - 한국어
            g: Polish - Polski
            h: Portuguese (Brazil) - Português (Brasil)
            i: Russian - Русский
            j: Simplified Chinese - 简体中文
            k: Spanish - Español
    Please enter a letter [a-k]:

  3. Enter the letter corresponding to the help language pack to be installed and proceed with the installation.

    It may take several minutes in the Installing... state before the option to select a help shortcut is provided.

  4. Repeat this step for each machine on which ArcGIS Notebook Server is installed.

Silently uninstall the ArcGIS Notebook Server Help Language Pack

To uninstall the ArcGIS Notebook Server Help Language Pack via the command line, run the following script:

<ArcGIS Notebook Server Install Directory>\