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Item details

This ArcGIS 10.5 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Each item in your portal includes an item page with a variety of information, actions, options, and settings organized by tab: Overview, Data, Visualization, and Settings. The tabs you see, as well as the options and information available on the tabs, depends on the item type, your privileges, and whether you are the item owner or administrator.

Item pages allow you to explore items in-depth in a variety of ways. For example, an interactive attribute table integrates related records and attachments, allowing you to navigate attribute data and view all aspects of a field together, including field values, summary statistics, and settings. Content creators and administrators can change an item's settings without having to go to other places on the site. For example, you can configure an app from a scene on the Overview tab or edit app settings directly on the Settings tab. Feature layer styles, pop-ups, and other layer properties can be configured on the Visualization tab as an alternative to opening the layer in the map viewer.

To access an item page, click Details under an item's thumbnail or, from the gallery, hover over the thumbnail and click Details. If you own the item, you can access the item page through My Content.

View and edit overview information

The Overview tab includes overview information about an item, such as a description, tags, data source information, creation date, size, and sharing status. Most of the information on the Overview tab can be edited by item owners, administrators, and others with the appropriate privileges. Others can use the overview information to help them better understand the item before using it.

The Overview tab also includes options to open, add to favorites, share the item, edit metadata, and add ratings and comments. Some types of item pages have additional options; for example, you can publish apps from the item page of configurable apps, update or download files such as CSV files, create an app from a web map or web scene, and export data from export-enabled hosted feature layers. If you have the correct privileges, you can publish maps and data as hosted web layers. Administrators and those with the correct privileges can also change the owner of an item in their organization.

Open items

By default, items open in the most appropriate app. For example, maps open in the map viewer, scenes open in the scene viewer, and layer packages open in ArcGIS Desktop. If you want, you can sometimes choose a different option. For example, you could choose to open a map in ArcGIS Desktop instead of the map viewer. Some items can only be downloaded and some do not have an option to open or download. The action buttons you see on the right of the item page Overview tab depend on the item type. The most appropriate option for opening, downloading, and so on, is provided as the first action button.

For a comprehensive list of supported item types, see What can you add to your portal?


The title is the name people see when they access the item and the name you see in the My Content page. The title should represent what the item contains.


This short description is returned in the results list when people search for content in the portal website.


People see this in-depth description of the item when they open the item page.

Thumbnail image

A thumbnail image is created by default when you add the item to the site. It appears in galleries, search results, and the details page. You can create and load a different image if the default image does not convey the information you want. For best results, add an image that is 200 pixels wide by 133 pixels high in a web file format such as PNG, GIF, or JPEG. The maximum file size is 1 MB. If your image is a different dimension, it is resized to 200 by 133 pixels and may appear warped.

Access & Use Constraints

This section provides information about how the item can be used and by whom. For example, you might have a use constraint for a map layer that requires others to display copyright information on any screen capture that includes the layer.


If an organization has enabled metadata, a Metadata button appears on the Overview tab of their item pages for item owners. Item owners use the button to access a built-in editor and include additional standards-based metadata. When an item includes this additional metadata, anyone with access to the item also sees a Metadata button and can use it to view the metadata in the metadata style configured by the organization.

Change Owner

If you are an administrator of your organization or you have the correct privileges, you can change the owner of an item in your organization.

Folder location

You can move an item you own to a different folder in My Content.


Tags are used to find items when people search for them. The tags you specify should correspond to keywords you think people will use to search for your item.

Credits (Attribution)

Your item may contain data from different agencies or individuals. This is the place to give credit to the data providers.


You can copy and paste the URL of an app or ArcGIS Server layer and use it elsewhere. For example, developers might want to include the URL of a hosted web layer in apps they build.

Add ratings and comments

Each item page includes a rating. Ratings are based on a weighted average of five stars, with one star reflecting a poor item and five stars reflecting a great item. The rating value provides a weighted average that factors in the number of ratings an item has received as well as the average rating. Therefore, an item with two ratings of four stars each has a higher rating than an item with one rating of four stars. To rate an item, you must be logged in and can only rate items you don't own. You can only add one rating per item. While you can change your rating, the count remains the same. To rate an item, click the appropriate star in the Details area on the right side of the Overview tab.

Item pages may also include a section for comments, depending on whether your organization chooses to enable them. Comments appear at the bottom of the Overview tab and can be added by the item owner or other logged in users. Once you've published a comment, you can delete it but you can’t edit it. People who are logged in can also reply to a comment. Item owners can delete comments published for items they own. Comments can be sorted from newest to oldest (New) or by most recent reply (Latest Reply). You can subscribe to an RSS feed of comments for an item that is shared with everyone (public). You cannot subscribe to comments on an item that is only shared with your organization (or that is private).

Add to favorites

You can create a list of favorites from items you find through search and the gallery, and that you've added through My Content. View your list from your My Favorites section of the Gallery and when you search for layers to add to your map.

To mark an item as a favorite, click Add to Favorites below the thumbnail of the item on the Overview tab.

To remove a favorite item from your list, click Remove from Favorites below the thumbnail of the item.

Share item

Depending on your privileges, you can share your item directly from the Share button on the item page or share an item page through social media.

Share item details through Facebook or Twitter

Each item page may include Facebook and Twitter buttons to help you quickly share content through your Facebook and Twitter accounts. (If you don't see these links, your portal administrator may have disabled them, or you may not have privileges to share with the public.) You can share the item page of any item in the portal website including those owned by others. It's a good idea to share item pages only for content that you know has been shared publicly within the portal website; otherwise, some people may not be able to access the links. When you use the Facebook and Twitter links on an item page, you are sharing item details, not the map or app itself. To share a map (as opposed to its item page), use Shareon the map.


Use Update to replace a file with an updated version from your computer. The file names must match. When you update an item, the download count is maintained. Use Overwrite to update hosted feature layers.

Work with attribute data

Using the Data tab, you can view and sort attribute data in a feature layer's attribute table. You can also get more information about the layer by viewing any available related data tables. If you have privileges to edit the layer, you can edit or delete attribute values.

You can also learn more about the individual fields—for example, see if a field is required, view the default value, and see a summary of the field values, such as a histogram and statistics for numeric fields and a count of the top ten values for text fields. Depending on your privileges, you may also be able to edit field information such as the alias.


For feature layers that contain multiple layers, you can work with the attributes and fields of the individual layers by first selecting the layer from the Layer drop-down menu.

View and edit attributes

Attribute data for a feature layer item can be viewed in the attribute table. Owners and administrators of a layer can delete or edit these attributes. If the layer is editable, data curators and members of shared access groups can edit or delete attributes. Do any of the following to view or edit attributes:

  • To make it easier to view attribute data, sort the attributes by clicking the column header and selecting Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.

    Some older versions of ArcGIS Server may not support sorting.

  • To hide or show attribute fields, click the Show/Hide Column Show/Hide Column button in the upper right corner of the table. Check boxes to show attribute columns. Uncheck boxes to hide them.
  • To edit an attribute in the table, select the value in the cell, type a new value (or remove the value if you want to delete it), and press Enter to save your changes.

View and edit related records, photos, and files

If a layer has related records, those attributes can also be viewed and edited by users with the correct privileges. You will see these related records represented as columns with italicized headers on the right side of the table.

You can also view any related photos or other files for an attribute or add additional photos and files if you have privileges to edit the layer.

Do any of the following to view and edit related records, photos, or files:

  • To view related records, click Show in the cell in the related table column corresponding to the record for which you want to view related records. For example, if a parcels layer has a related table of owners and you want to see all the owners of a parcel, click Show in the appropriate cell of the Owners column to see a list of owners for the selected parcel. From there, you can explore other records in the table—for example, select any other parcel ID to see the owners of that parcel. If the related table has related records of its own, you can examine those as well—for example, if the Owners table has a related table of other properties owned by a parcel owner, click Show to see those property records.
  • To edit an attribute in a related table, select the value in the cell, type a new value (or remove the value if you want to delete it), and press Enter to save your changes. Only those with the correct privileges can edit attributes in related tables.
  • When viewing a related table, click the Close (X) button at any time to return to the previous table.
  • If the layer has related photos or files, view them by clicking Show in the appropriate cell of the Photos and Files column on the right of the table. To add an attachment, click Add and upload the photo or file you want to attach.
  • To hide or show related table or photos and files columns, click the Show/Hide Column Show/Hide Column button in the upper-right corner of the table. Check boxes to show the columns. Uncheck boxes to hide them.

View field information

You can view detailed information about any field in the table, including its name, alias, and type, as well as field settings, such as whether the field is required and editable, and its length.

To see more information about a field, click the column header for the field you are interested in and click Show Detailed View. The table shrinks to a more focused view of the field you selected with a Summary section, a Settings section with field attribute rules, such as required fields, default value, and so on, and a Details section with information like the field name and type. The information you see in each section depends on the field type and your privileges. For example, in the Summary section, you will see a histogram for numeric and date fields, or a list of the top 10 unique values and associated count information for text fields.

To choose a different field to explore without going back to the full table, click the down arrow in the field column on the left and select a different field. After you are finished viewing detailed information about a field, you can return to the full table view by clicking Close.

Visualize layer

Using the Visualization tab, you can make changes to the default properties of a feature layer without having to open the layer in the map viewer. You can change the layer’s style, apply a filter, configure pop-ups, or label the features in the layer. You can also hide the layer in the legend or change the refresh interval. As in the map viewer, the Visualization tab provides navigation tools to explore the layer, access to the basemap gallery, and a search box to find an address or place.

If you own the item, you can save any changes you make to the layer. Both the item owner and those who have privileges to create content might also choose to save a copy of the layer as a new item in My Content.

To work with a feature layer using the Visualization tab, do any of the following:


If the feature layer contains multiple layers, first select the layer you want to work with from the Layer drop-down menu.

  • Click the Change Style Change style button to change the default style of the layer.
  • Click the Filter Filter button to apply a filter to the layer.
  • Click the Configure Pop-up Configure Pop-up button to configure pop-ups for the layer.
  • Click the Create Labels Create Labels button to label the features in the layer.
  • Click the More Options More Options button and click Zoom to to show all the features in the layer.
  • For feature layers with edit tracking enabled, click the More Options More Options button and click Filter Edits to filter the edits you see on the map.
  • Click the More Options More Options button and click Hide in Legend to hide the layer in the legend.
  • Click the More Options More Options button and click Refresh Interval to set the layer’s refresh interval.
  • Click the Search button on the map and enter an address or place-name to find specific locations or features.
  • Pan the map or use the navigation tools to zoom or go to the default extent.
  • Click the Basemap Gallery Basemap Gallery button on the map to select a different basemap.
  • Click Save layer to save your changes to the layer. This button is available for item owners, administrators, or shared update group members.
  • If you have privileges to create content, click Save as new layer to save a copy of the layer as a new item in My Content. In the Save as New Layer window, add a title, tags, and summary and choose a folder to store the item as needed, and click Save. If the feature layer has multiple layers, you have the option of saving all layers or only the current layer.

Edit settings

Depending on your privileges and the item type, you can use the Settings tab to configure settings on an item, such as to attach code to apps, change the extent, and allow others to save a copy of the item. Hosted feature layers include additional settings related to who can edit and export your layers. The Settings tab is also the place where item owners can delete their items.

General settings

The following general settings can be configured.

Delete Protection

Check this option when you do not want the item to be accidentally deleted, for example, if it is a layer used in a map featured in your gallery.

Delete Item

To remove your item from the site, click Delete. To prevent accidentally deleting an item that is part of your organization's featured content—for example, a layer in a featured map—you can enable delete protection as a setting of the item.

If you delete a hosted feature layer that has an associated hosted WFS layer, the hosted WFS layer will also be deleted.


The extent is the geographic boundary you specify for the item. It is defined using the minimum and maximum x and y coordinates of the area.

To set or change the extent, click Set Extent and do any of the following in the Set Extent window:

  • Use the geocoding box at the top to find a place or address on the map. The extent adjusts to center on the place or address.
  • Click Draw Extent and draw a box to define the area. Portal for ArcGIS updates the coordinates of the extent based on what you draw. Click Enable Map Navigation to stop drawing and pan or zoom to the area you want.
  • Type the coordinates of the area in the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right boxes.

Web map settings

The following settings are available for web maps.

Offline Mode

Uncheck the Enable offline mode box to disable offline use. If your map supports offline use—that is, if all layers in the map were enabled for offline use when the map was saved—this option is automatically enabled. If the map does not support offline mode, this setting is ignored. To change the default offline settings, click Show advanced options. For more information, see Take maps offline.

Save As

Check this option to allow others to save a copy of your map. Uncheck it when you want your map to be viewed as you configured it and you do not want it to be easily copied and saved by others.

Application Settings

Set map options for routing, measuring, finding locations, and other tools and capabilities in ArcGIS apps.

Hosted web layer settings

Hosted feature layers and hosted tile layers have additional settings for managing data.

App settings

The following settings apply to apps. Some settings only apply to specific types of apps.

  • URL—You can enter or change the URL of your web mapping, mobile, or application extension app.
  • Code Attachment—You can attach code (as a ZIP file) to your apps. This can be helpful if you are sharing a sample or a configurable app and want others to have access to your code.

    To update a code attachment without resetting the download counter on the item, use Update Code and upload a ZIP file with the same name as the original ZIP file. If you want to attach a new file, first delete the existing file; then use Attach Code. This will reset the download count on the item.

  • Purpose—For web mapping, mobile, or desktop apps, specify the purpose of the app you've added.
  • Platform—For desktop apps, specify the platform of the app you've added.
  • API—For web apps, specify the API on which your app is built.
  • SDK—For mobile apps, specify the SDK on which your app is built.
  • Configuration Parameters—You can add configuration parameters for your configurable app when its Purpose is set to Configurable.
  • App Registration—You can register your app to allow others to sign in to ArcGIS. You can also view and update registration information.