Example: Write properties of all services to a CSV file
This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.
This example script uses the ArcGIS REST API to read selected properties of all your services and write them to a comma-separated value (CSV) file. The script contains relatively many lines of code because it must handle all different service types.
This script provides a read-only report of service properties that can be easily viewed in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.
If you wanted to edit service properties in batch using a spreadsheet, you might write another script to read the values from the CSV file and apply them as edits to the service. See Example: Edit service properties for ideas of how you might get started with this.
# Reads the following properties from services and writes them to a comma-delimited file:
# ServiceName, Folder, Type, Status, Min Instances, Max Instances, KML,
# WMS, Max Records, Cluster, Cache Directory, Jobs Directory, Output Directory
# For HTTP calls
import httplib, urllib, json
# For system tools
import sys
# For reading passwords without echoing
import getpass
def main(argv=None):
# Ask for admin/publisher user name and password
username = raw_input("Enter user name: ")
password = getpass.getpass("Enter password: ")
# Ask for server name & port
serverName = raw_input("Enter server name: ")
serverPort = 6080
# Get the location and the name of the file to be created
resultFile = raw_input("Output File: ")
# Get a token
token = getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort)
# Get the root info
serverURL = "/arcgis/admin/services/"
# This request only needs the token and the response formatting parameter
params = urllib.urlencode({'token': token, 'f': 'json'})
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
# Connect to URL and post parameters
httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
httpConn.request("POST", serverURL, params, headers)
# Read response
response = httpConn.getresponse()
if (response.status != 200):
print "Could not read folder information."
data = response.read()
# Check that data returned is not an error object
if not assertJsonSuccess(data):
print "Error when reading server information. " + str(data)
print "Processed server information successfully. Now processing folders..."
# Deserialize response into Python object
dataObj = json.loads(data)
#Store the Folders in a list to loop on
folders = dataObj["folders"]
#Remove the System and Utilities folders
#Add an entry for the root folder
#Create the summary file of services
serviceResultFile = open(resultFile,'w')
serviceResultFile.write("ServiceName,Folder,Type,Status,Min Instances,Max Instances,FeatureService,kml,wms,Max Records,Cluster,Cache Directory,Jobs Directory,Output Directory" + "\n")
#Loop on the found folders and discover the services and write the service information
for folder in folders:
# Determine if the loop is working on the root folder or not
if folder != "":
folder += "/"
# Build the URL for the current folder
folderURL = "/arcgis/admin/services/" + folder
params = urllib.urlencode({'token': token, 'f': 'json'})
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
# Connect to URL and post parameters
httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
httpConn.request("POST", folderURL, params, headers)
# Read response
response = httpConn.getresponse()
if (response.status != 200):
print "Could not read folder information."
data = response.read()
# Check that data returned is not an error object
if not assertJsonSuccess(data):
print "Error when reading folder information. " + str(data)
print "Processed folder information successfully. Now processing services..."
# Deserialize response into Python object
dataObj = json.loads(data)
# Loop through each service in the folder
for item in dataObj['services']:
if item["type"] == "GeometryServer":# and folder == "":
# Build the Service URL
if folder:
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servResponse.read()
jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)
# Build the Service URL to test the running status
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)
servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
# Obtain the data from the response
readData = servStatusResponse.read()
jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)
# Build the line to write to the output file
ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" +"\n"
# Write the results to the file
elif item["type"] == "SearchServer":# and folder == "":
if folder:
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servResponse.read()
jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servStatusResponse.read()
jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)
# Build the line to write to the output file
ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["jobsDirectory"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"
# Write the results to the file
elif item["type"] == "ImageServer":
# Build the Service URL
if folder:
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servResponse.read()
jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)
# Build the Service URL to test the running status
if folder:
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servStatusResponse.read()
jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)
# Extract the WMS properties from the response
wmsProps = [imageWMS for imageWMS in jsonOBJ["extensions"] if imageWMS["typeName"] == 'WMSServer']#.items()[0][1] == 'WMSServer']
if len(wmsProps) > 0:
wmsStatus = str(wmsProps[0]["enabled"])
wmsStatus = "NA"
# Build the line to write to the output file
ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + wmsStatus +"," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["cacheDir"]) + "," + "NA," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"
# Write the results to the file
elif item["type"] == "GlobeServer":
# Build the Service URL
if folder:
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servResponse.read()
jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)
#Build the Service URL to test the running status
if folder:
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servStatusResponse.read()
jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)
# Build the line to write to the output file
ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["maxRecordCount"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["cacheDir"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"
# Write the results to the file
elif item["type"] == "GPServer":
# Build the Service URL
if folder:
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servResponse.read()
jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)
# Build the Service URL to test the running status
if folder:
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servStatusResponse.read()
jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)
# Build the line to write to the output file
ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["jobsDirectory"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"
# Write the results to the file
elif item["type"] == "GeocodeServer":
# Build the Service URL
if folder:
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servResponse.read()
jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)
if folder:
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servStatusResponse.read()
jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)
# Build the line to write to the output file
ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"
# Write the results to the file
elif item["type"] == "GeoDataServer":
# Build the Service URL
if folder:
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servResponse.read()
jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)
if folder:
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servStatusResponse.read()
jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)
# Build the line to write to the output file
ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["maxRecordCount"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"
# Write the results to the file
elif item["type"] == "MapServer":
# Build the Service URL
if folder:
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servResponse.read()
jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)
# Build the Service URL to test the running status
if folder:
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
# Submit the request to the server
httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)
# Get the response
servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
readData = servStatusResponse.read()
jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)
# Check for Map Cache
isCached = jsonOBJ["properties"]["isCached"]
if isCached == "true":
cacheDir = str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["cacheDir"])
cacheDir = jsonOBJ["properties"]["isCached"]
if len(jsonOBJ["extensions"]) == 0:
# Build the line to write to the output file
ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "FeatServHolder" + "," + "Disabled" + "," + "Disabled" +"," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["maxRecordCount"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + cacheDir + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"
# Extract the KML properties from the response
kmlProps = [mapKML for mapKML in jsonOBJ["extensions"] if mapKML["typeName"] == 'KmlServer']#.items()[0][1] == 'KmlServer']
# Extract the WMS properties from the response
wmsProps = [mapWMS for mapWMS in jsonOBJ["extensions"] if mapWMS["typeName"] == 'WMSServer']#.items()[0][1] == 'WMSServer']
# Extract the FeatureService properties from the response
featServProps = [featServ for featServ in jsonOBJ["extensions"] if featServ["typeName"] == 'FeatureServer']#.items()[0][1] == 'FeatureServer']
if len(featServProps) > 0:
featureStatus = str(featServProps[0]["enabled"])
featureStatus = "NA"
if len(kmlProps) > 0:
kmlStatus = str(kmlProps[0]["enabled"])
kmlStatus = "NA"
if len(wmsProps) > 0:
wmsStatus = str(wmsProps[0]["enabled"])
wmsStatus = "NA"
ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + featureStatus + "," + kmlStatus + "," + wmsStatus +"," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["maxRecordCount"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + cacheDir + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"
# Write the results to the file
# Close the connection to the current service
# Close the file
def getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort):
# Token URL is typically http://server[:port]/arcgis/admin/generateToken
tokenURL = "/arcgis/admin/generateToken"
params = urllib.urlencode({'username': username, 'password': password, 'client': 'requestip', 'f': 'json'})
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
# Connect to URL and post parameters
httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
httpConn.request("POST", tokenURL, params, headers)
# Read response
response = httpConn.getresponse()
if (response.status != 200):
print "Error while fetching tokens from admin URL. Please check the URL and try again."
data = response.read()
# Check that data returned is not an error object
if not assertJsonSuccess(data):
# Extract the token from it
token = json.loads(data)
return token['token']
# A function that checks that the input JSON object
# is not an error object.
def assertJsonSuccess(data):
obj = json.loads(data)
if 'status' in obj and obj['status'] == "error":
print "Error: JSON object returns an error. " + str(obj)
return False
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":