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Manage deployments using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS

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Once you create a deployment using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services, you can use the following commands to manage the deployment.

Command line syntax

The following is the syntax to use for each of the commands described in this page. Syntax is also provided for the help and version options available with ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS.

  • Cloudbuilder.exe LIST --aws-access-key <access key> --aws-secret-access-key <secret access key> or Cloudbuilder.exe LIST --aws-profile-name <aws profile name>
  • Cloudbuilder.exe STOP -d <deployment name> --aws-access-key <access key> --aws-secret-access-key <secret access key> or Cloudbuilder.exe STOP -d <deployment name> --aws-profile-name <aws profile name>
  • Cloudbuilder.exe START -d <deployment name> --aws-access-key <access key> --aws-secret-access-key <secret access key> or Cloudbuilder.exe START -d <deployment name> --aws-profile-name <aws profile name>
  • Cloudbuilder.exe DELETE -d <deployment name> --aws-access-key <access key> --aws-secret-access-key <secret access key> or Cloudbuilder.exe DELETE -d <deployment name> --aws-profile-name <aws profile name>
  • Cloudbuilder.exe {-v | --version}
  • Cloudbuilder.exe {-h | --help}

List deployments

The LIST command returns information for all the deployments created using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) account you specify. Using this information, you can manage your deployments using commands such as STOP, START, and DELETE, which are described in subsequent sections.

Follow these steps to see information for available deployments:

  1. Open a Windows command line interface.
  2. Change directories to the folder where ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS is installed.
  3. Run the Cloud Builder executable with the LIST command.

    The syntax is as follows:

    Cloudbuilder.exe LIST {--aws-access-key <myaccesskey> --aws-secret-access-key <mysecretaccesskey> | --aws-profile-name <myawsprofilename>}

    The command lists the Deployment Name, AWS Region, ArcGIS Version, and Deployment Status for each deployment.

Stop the machines in a deployment

The STOP command stops all Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) machines in a deployment. Stopping the EC2 machines when they are not in use can save you money, but it can only be done if no one needs to use the deployment.

Follow these steps to stop all instances in a specific deployment:

  1. Open a Windows command line interface.
  2. Change directories to the folder where ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS is installed.
  3. Run the Cloud Builder executable with the STOP command and the name of the deployment you want to stop.

    The syntax is as follows:

    Cloudbuilder.exe STOP -d <mydeploymentname> {--aws-access-key <myaccesskey> --aws-secret-access-key <mysecretaccesskey> | --aws-profile-name <myawsprofilename>}

    Use the LIST command to get the deployment name. Deployment names are case sensitive. You can stop a deployment only if its status is Completed and deployment state is Started.

    The command stops all machines in the deployment you specified.

Start the machines in a deployment

If you stopped the EC2 machines in a deployment using the STOP command, you can use the START command to restart them.

Follow these steps to start all instances in a specific deployment:

  1. Open a Windows command line interface.
  2. Change directories to the folder where ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS is installed.
  3. Run the Cloud Builder executable with the START command and the name of the deployment you want to start.

    The syntax is as follows:

    Cloudbuilder.exe START -d <mydeploymentname> {--aws-access-key <myaccesskey> --aws-secret-access-key <mysecretaccesskey> | --aws-profile-name <myawsprofilename>}

    Deployment names are case sensitive. You can start a deployment only if the deployment state is Stopped.

    The command starts all EC2 machines in the deployment you specified.

Delete a deployment

If you want to delete your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that was created using the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services utility, use the DELETE command.

The DELETE command deletes all resources you created using the CREATE command, including AWS CloudFormation stacks, CloudWatch logs, records from AWS Route 53 (if you specified an AWSRoute53ZoneID), and the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket and DynamoDB table for your cloud store (if you specified that option for StoreType). This operation cannot be undone.


The DELETE command is only supported for deployments created using the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS CREATE command. It does not delete assets created using the PREP command.