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Manage an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment using the Cloud Builder app

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Once you create a deployment using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services, the deployment is listed on the Deployments page of the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services app. From here, you can create a similar deployment from one of your existing deployments, or perform one of the tasks related to your deployment, as described in the following sections.


Deployments you create outside of ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services (either the app or command line interface) will not appear in Cloud Builder.

Stop and start a deployment

This stops all Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) machines. Stopping the EC2 machines when they are not in use can save you some money, but it can only be done if no one needs to use your deployment.

Follow these steps to use Cloud Builder to stop or start one of your deployments on AWS.

  1. Browse to the location where ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services is installed and double-click the Cloudbuilder.exe file to open the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services app.
  2. Connect to your Amazon Web Services account using one of the following methods:
    • Type the access key ID and secret access key for your account and click Sign In.
    • Choose the Amazon Web Services profile you defined on the machine where you're running Cloud Builder and click Sign In. See AWS documentation for information on configuring a local profile.

    Once Cloud Builder connects to your AWS account, it proceeds to the Deployment page.

  3. To stop all the machines in a deployment, click the Stop the deployment button Stop the deployment.

    This button is available only if your deployment created successfully and is currently started.

    The Deployment Summary page appears.

  4. Review the summary information to confirm you are stopping the correct deployment and click Stop.


    Do not close the progress window or Cloud Builder.

    When all EC2 machines in the deployment are stopped, the job status page appears. If the job succeeded, click Close to return to the Deployments page. If the job failed, click View Process Log to view errors related to the job.

  5. To start all the machines in a deployment when you need them, click the Start the deployment button Start the deployment.

    This button is available only if your deployment is stopped.

    The Deployment Summary page appears.

  6. Review the summary information to confirm you are starting the correct deployment and click Start.


    Do not close the progress window or Cloud Builder.

    When all EC2 machines in the deployment are started, the job status page appears. If the job succeeded, click Close to return to the Deployments page. If the job failed, click View Process Log to view errors related to the job.

View information and access a deployment

You can view summary information about your deployment and access logs, the portal, and ArcGIS Server Manager from the Deployments page of ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS. In addition to the deployment name and the Amazon region in which it was created, you can see the following information for each deployment:


Indicates whether the deployment is in the process of being created (InProgress), created successfully (Completed), or failed to create (Failed).

Created Date

The day deployment creation completed.


Indicates whether the deployment is a single-machine ArcGIS Enterprise portal, highly available ArcGIS Enterprise portal, or stand-alone ArcGIS Server site. If you click the type text for an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, the portal opens in your default browser. If you click the type text for an ArcGIS GIS Server or ArcGIS Image Server site, ArcGIS Server Manager for that site opens in your default browser. If you click the type text for an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site, GeoEvent Server Manager opens in your default browser.

ArcGIS Version

The version of the Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Amazon Machine Image used to create your deployment.


Provides a list of the types of ArcGIS Server sites in the deployment. If the deployment is a stand-alone ArcGIS Server site, only one role will be listed. If the deployment is an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, the list of roles will include the hosting server plus any federated servers you included when you created your deployment. Click the role text to open ArcGIS Server Manager for that ArcGIS Server site.


Click View to open the Deployment Summary. Click Download to export the summary as a JSON file that you can use to create other deployments using the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services utility.


Click Deployment Logs to access links to the AWS CloudFormation and CloudWatch log files available for your deployment.

  1. Browse to the location where ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services is installed and double-click the Cloudbuilder.exe file to open the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services app.
  2. Connect to your Amazon Web Services account using one of the following methods:
    • Type the access key ID and secret access key for your account and click Sign In.
    • Choose the Amazon Web Services profile you defined on the machine where you're running Cloud Builder and click Sign In. See AWS documentation for information on configuring a local profile.

    Once Cloud Builder connects to your AWS account, it proceeds to the Deployment page.

  3. Click the arrow (>) next to the name of the deployment for which you want to view information.
  4. Use available links (green text) to view or download the deployment summary, view deployment logs, open the portal, or open ArcGIS Server Manager for specific ArcGIS Server sites.

Delete a deployment

If a deployment fails to create successfully or you no longer need a deployment, delete it.

Deleting a deployment from the Cloud Builder app deletes resources such as the AWS CloudFormation stacks, CloudWatch logs, and the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket and DynamoDB table for your cloud store (if you specified Cloud Store for the Configuration Store in the Cloud Builder app). The following assets are not deleted:

  • Elastic load balancers
  • Elastic IP addresses
  • The S3 bucket used to store license files and SSL certificates
  • The Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and subnets
  • SSL certificates configured in AWS Certificate Manager


You cannot recover a deleted deployment.

Follow these steps to delete a deployment and its resources:

  1. Browse to the location where ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services is installed and double-click the Cloudbuilder.exe file to open the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services app.
  2. Connect to your Amazon Web Services account using one of the following methods:
    • Type the access key ID and secret access key for your account and click Sign In.
    • Choose the Amazon Web Services profile you defined on the machine where you're running Cloud Builder and click Sign In. See AWS documentation for information on configuring a local profile.

    Once Cloud Builder connects to your AWS account, it proceeds to the Deployment page.

  3. Click the Delete the deployment button Delete the deployment next to the name of the deployment you want to delete.

    The Deployment Summary page appears.

  4. Review the summary information to confirm you are deleting the correct deployment and then click Delete.


    Do not close the progress window or Cloud Builder.