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Upgrade a highly available ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on AWS

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

How you upgrade depends on how and when you created the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

  • Any ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on AWS can be upgraded using a manual upgrade procedure. If you created the site before 10.8, you must use the manual procedure to upgrade.
  • If you created the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment using the highly available ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 or 10.8.1 Esri Amazon Web Services CloudFormation template (arcgis-enterprise-ha.template.json), you can upgrade using Chef scripts.
  • If you created the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment using the highly available ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 or 10.9.1 Esri CloudFormation template (arcgis-enterprise-ha.template.json), you can use a 11.0 CloudFormation template to upgrade it.
  • If you used multiple 10.9 or 10.9.1 CloudFormation templates to create each base ArcGIS Enterprise component on a separate machine, you can use multiple 11.0 CloudFormation templates to upgrade each component.
  • If you created the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment using 10.9 or 10.9.1 ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services, you can use 11.0 ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS to upgrade it.

Before you upgrade

No matter which upgrade method you use, review the following information before you upgrade your deployment:

Upgrade using manual upgrade procedures

Using manual procedures to upgrade your multimachine ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on Amazon Web Services is similar to updating software on-premises. You can download software updates from My Esri onto your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, and apply the updates directly to your existing deployment. All ArcGIS Enterprise components on each machine must be running the same software version.


You cannot upgrade ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 or earlier components directly to 11.0. You must first upgrade to an intermediate version and then upgrade to 11.0. Follow the instructions for the intermediate version before following instructions to upgrade to 11.0.

Prepare to update components

Complete the following steps to prepare to update components:

  1. Download new versions of Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Web Adaptor, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGIS Data Store from My Esri. Also obtain new licenses from Esri
  2. Ensure that ports 5701-5703, 7005, 7099, 7199, 7654, 7120, 7220, 29079-29090, and 4369 are allowed by your firewall and not currently in use by another application.

    Highly available deployments use these ports for intermachine communications and synchronization.

  3. Confirm you have a shared directory configured for tile cache data store backups. If you do not have one, configure one before upgrading.

    Only file shares are supported on AWS at this time.

  4. Make sure no one is connected to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal or ArcGIS Server sites.

    Do not stop the Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, or ArcGIS Data Store services. If you stop those services, the webgisdr utility will fail to create a backup of your deployment.

  5. Create a full backup of your deployment using the webgisdr utility installed with Portal for ArcGIS.

    This is your backup that you can use to redeploy the previous software versions if any issues arise during the upgrade process.


    If you have a spatiotemporal big data store in your deployment, use the ArcGIS Data Store backupdatastore utility to create a backup of it, as it is not included in the backup created by the webgisdr tool.

Upgrade Portal for ArcGIS

First, upgrade Portal for ArcGIS.

  1. Make a remote desktop connection (Microsoft Windows) or SSH (Linux) connection to your Portal for ArcGIS machine on AWS. If your portal is highly available, connect to one of the Portal for ArcGIS machines on AWS. Connect as the arcgis user.

    If this is the first time you are upgrading Portal for ArcGIS on Windows on AWS, change the arcgis user's password. You must do this for every machine in the deployment, and the password must be the same for all machines.

    If you deployed ArcGIS Enterprise using the AWS Management Console, be sure this machine is allowed to create Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets in your AWS account, as the Portal for ArcGIS upgrade procedure creates an S3 bucket for temporary storage of the content directory. If you deployed using a CloudFormation template provided by Esri, the template already configured this.

  2. Place the new Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Web Adaptor installations and (if applicable) your new Portal for ArcGIS license file on this machine.
  3. If your portal contains only one Portal for ArcGIS machine, follow the steps to upgrade Portal for ArcGIS to update the portal machine and its web adaptor, and, if necessary, authorize Portal for ArcGIS with your new license file.
  4. If your portal is highly available, repeat steps 1 and 2 for the second Portal for ArcGIS machine. Next, follow the steps to upgrade a highly available portal to update software and, if necessary, authorize Portal for ArcGIS on each machine with your new license file.

Upgrade ArcGIS Server

Upgrade your portal's hosting server and any additional ArcGIS Server sites you federated with your portal.

Provide an ArcGIS GIS Server license when upgrading the portal's hosting server. Which license you provide when upgrading federated servers depends on the role the ArcGIS Server fills in your deployment.


You must upgrade ArcGIS Server sites before upgrading ArcGIS Data Store.

  1. Make a remote desktop connection (Windows) or SSH (Linux) connection as the arcgis user to the ArcGIS Server SITEHOST machine for your portal's hosting server.
  2. Place the new ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Web Adaptor installations and your ArcGIS GIS Server license file on this machine.
  3. If your ArcGIS Server site contains only one machine, follow the instructions in Upgrade ArcGIS Server to upgrade a single-machine site.
  4. If your ArcGIS Server site contains multiple machines, repeat steps 1 and 2 on each machine. Next, follow the instructions in Upgrade ArcGIS Server to upgrade a multiple-machine site.
  5. If you manually federated additional ArcGIS Server sites with your portal, connect to those machines and upgrade the software and licenses for those sites as well.

Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

If you have more than one type of data store configured with your portal's hosting server, upgrade each of them.

When upgrading a highly available relational or tile cache data store, upgrade the primary machine before you upgrade the standby machine.

  1. Make a remote desktop connection (Windows) or SSH (Linux) connection as the arcgis user to each machine where ArcGIS Data Store is installed.
  2. Place the ArcGIS Data Store installation file on each machine.
  3. If your deployment is running on Windows on AWS, follow the steps in Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store to update each type of data store.

Test the upgraded deployment

Test the upgraded ArcGIS Enterprise deployment to be sure all services are running and accessible and your normal workflows still work.

Once testing is successfully completed, you can delete the backup you created before upgrading as it cannot be used to restore to your upgraded machines.


Create a full backup of the successfully upgraded deployment using the webgisdr utility so that you have a base backup of this version of your deployment.

Upgrade using Chef scripts

If you created the base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment using the highly available ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 or 10.8.1 Esri Amazon Web Services CloudFormation template (arcgis-enterprise-ha.template.json), you can upgrade using Chef scripts.

Upgrade steps are different for deployments on Microsoft Windows and Ubuntu. Follow the instructions applicable to the operating system of your deployment.

Upgrade a highly available ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on Windows

Follow these steps to use Chef to upgrade ArcGIS Enterprise on two EC2 instances (primary and standby).

Upgrade the standby instance

Upgrade the components on the standby instance first.

  1. Make a remote desktop connection to the standby EC2 instance.
  2. Download and install Chef or Cinc client 16.16.13. If you have an older version of Chef installed, update it to version 16.16.13.
  3. Download the 11.0 installation files from your account in My Esri and upload the files to a folder on the EC2 instance:

    • ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_for_Microsoft_IIS_110_182888.exe
    • Portal_for_ArcGIS_Windows_110_182885.exe
    • ArcGIS_Server_Windows_110_182874.exe
    • ArcGIS_DataStore_Windows_110_182887.exe
    • Portal_for_ArcGIS_Web_Styles_Windows_110_182886.exe

  4. Obtain the Portal for ArcGIS 11.0 authorization file (.json) and ArcGIS Server authorization licensed for ArcGIS GIS Server (.epc or .prvc) and place them on the EC2 instance.
  5. Download the ArcGIS Cookbook version 4.0.0 ( to the EC2 instance, unzip the file, and place the contents of the unzipped file in the C:\chef folder.
  6. Delete the following folders:

    • C:\chef\nodes
    • C:\Users\Administrator\.chef\local-mode-cache

  7. Create a copy of the C:\chef\node.json file and rename it to upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_standby_step1.json.
  8. Open the upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_standby_step1.json file in a text editor and modify the following parameters:

    • Set the arcgis version to 11.0.
      "arcgis" : {
          "version": "11.0",
    • Set the arcgis archive repository to the folder where you placed the software files on the EC2 instance.
      "arcgis" : {
          "repository": {
      	  "archives": "<drive>\\<folder>"
    • Set the server authorization to the location of your ArcGIS Server 11.0 authorization file.
      "server" : {
          "authorization_file" : "<drive>:\\<folder path>\\My_New_Server.prvc"
    • Set the portal authorization to the location of your Portal for ArcGIS 11.0 authorization file.
      "portal" : {
          "authorization_file" : "<drive>:\\<folder path>\\my_new_portal.json",
    • Modify the run list to use the following recipes:

  9. Save and close the upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_standby_step1.json file.
  10. Open a command line window as an administrator, change the directory to C:\chef, and run the following command: chef-client -z -j c:\chef\upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_standby_step1.json.

The script runs to upgrade the components on the standby instance.

When the standby upgrade completes successfully, you can proceed to upgrading the primary instance.

Upgrade the primary instance

Once the standby Chef-Run completes, upgrade the primary instance.

  1. Make a remote desktop connection to the primary EC2 instance.
  2. Download and install Chef or Cinc client 16.16.13. If you have an older version of Chef installed, update it to version 16.16.13.
  3. Download the 11.0 installation files from your account in My Esri and upload the files to a folder on the EC2 instance:

    • ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_for_Microsoft_IIS_110_182888.exe
    • Portal_for_ArcGIS_Windows_110_182885.exe
    • ArcGIS_Server_Windows_110_182874.exe
    • ArcGIS_DataStore_Windows_110_182887.exe
    • Portal_for_ArcGIS_Web_Styles_Windows_110_182886.exe

  4. Obtain the Portal for ArcGIS 11.0 authorization file (.json) and ArcGIS Server authorization licensed for ArcGIS GIS Server (.epc or .prvc) and place them on the EC2 instance.
  5. Download the ArcGIS Cookbook version 4.0.0 ( to the EC2 instance, unzip the file, and place the contents of the unzipped file in the C:\chef folder.
  6. Delete the following folders:

    • C:\chef\nodes
    • C:\Users\Administrator\.chef\local-mode-cache

  7. Create a copy of the C:\chef\node.json file and rename it to upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_primary_step2.json.
  8. Open the upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_primary_step2.json file in a text editor and modify the following parameters:

    • Set the arcgis version to 11.0.
      "arcgis" : {
          "version": "11.0",
    • Set the arcgis archive repository to the folder where you placed the software files on the EC2 instance.
      "arcgis" : {
          "repository": {
      	  "archives": "<drive>\\<folder>"
    • Set the server authorization to the location of your ArcGIS Server 11.0 authorization file.
      "server" : {
          "authorization_file" : "<drive>:\\<folder path>\\My_New_Server.prvc"
    • Set the portal authorization to the location of your Portal for ArcGIS 11.0 authorization file.
      "portal" : {
          "authorization_file" : "<drive>:\\<folder path>\\my_new_portal.json",
    • Modify the run list to use the following recipes:

  9. Save and close the upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_primary_step2.json file.
  10. Open a command line window as an administrator, change the directory to C:\chef, and run the following command: chef-client -z -j c:\chef\upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_primary_step2.json

The script runs to upgrade the components on the primary instance.

When the primary upgrade completes successfully, you can proceed to configure the web adaptor on the standby instance.

Upgrade the web adaptor on standby

Once the primary Chef-Run completes, log in to the standby instance again to upgrade the web adaptor for the portal.

  1. Make a remote desktop connection to and log in to the standby EC2 instance.
  2. Make a copy of the upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_standby_step1.json file and rename it to upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_standby_step3.json.
  3. Open upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_standby_step3.json in a text editor and alter the run list to only run the portal_wa recipe.

    "run_list" : [

  4. Open a command line window as an administrator, change the directory to C:\chef, and run the following command: chef-client -z -j c:\chef\upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_windows_standby_step3.json.

The script configures the ArcGIS Web Adaptor for the portal.

Upgrade a highly available ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on Ubuntu

Follow these steps to use Chef to upgrade ArcGIS Enterprise on two EC2 instances (primary and standby).

Upgrade the standby instance

Upgrade the components on the standby EC2 instance first.

  1. SSH to the standby EC2 instance as the ubuntu user.
  2. Use one of the following commands to download and install Chef or Cinc client 16.16.13. If you have an older version of Chef installed, update it to version 16.16.13.
    • Chef client: sudo curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 16.16.13
    • Cinc client: sudo curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 16.16.13
  3. Download the 11.0 installation files from your account in My Esri and upload the files to a folder on the EC2 instance:

    • ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_Java_Linux_110_182987.tar.gz
    • Portal_for_ArcGIS_Linux_110_182984.tar.gz
    • ArcGIS_Server_Linux_110_182973.tar.gz
    • ArcGIS_DataStore_Linux_110_182986.tar.gz
    • Portal_for_ArcGIS_Web_Styles_Linux_110_182985.tar.gz

  4. Obtain the Portal for ArcGIS 11.0 authorization file (.json) and ArcGIS Server authorization licensed for ArcGIS GIS Server (.epc or .prvc) and place them on the EC2 instance.
  5. Download the ArcGIS Cookbook version 4.0.0 (arcgis-4.0.0-cookbooks.tar.gz) to the EC2 instance, untar and unzip the file, and place the files contents in the /var/chef directory.
  6. Delete the /var/chef/nodes directory.
  7. Create a copy of the /etc/chef/node.json file and rename it to upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_standby_step1.json.
  8. Open the upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_standby_step1.json file in a text editor and modify the following parameters:

    • Set the arcgis version to 11.0.
      "arcgis" : {
          "version": "11.0",
    • Set the arcgis archive repository to the folder where you placed the software files on the EC2 instance.
      "arcgis" : {
          "repository": {
      	  "archives": "/<path and folder>"
    • Set the server authorization to the location of your ArcGIS Server 11.0 authorization file.
      "server" : {
          "authorization_file" : "/<path>/my_new_server.prvc"
    • Set the portal authorization to the location of your Portal for ArcGIS 11.0 authorization file.
      "portal" : {
          "authorization_file" : "/<path>/my_new_portal.json",
    • Modify the run list to use the following recipes:

  9. Save and close the upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_standby_step1.json file.
  10. As the ubuntu user, change the directory to /var/chef, and run the following command: sudo chef-client -z -j /etc/chef/upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_standby_step1.json

The script runs to upgrade the components on the standby instance.

When the standby upgrade completes successfully, you can proceed to upgrading the primary instance.

Upgrade the primary instance

Once the standby Chef-Run completes, upgrade the primary instance.

  1. SSH to the primary EC2 instance as the ubuntu user.
  2. Use one of the following commands to download and install Chef or Cinc client 16.16.13. If you have an older version of Chef installed, update it to version 16.16.13.
    • Chef client: sudo curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 16.16.13
    • Cinc client: sudo curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 16.16.13
  3. Download the 11.0 installation files from your account in My Esri and upload the files to a folder on the EC2 instance:

    • ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_Java_Linux_110_182987.tar.gz
    • Portal_for_ArcGIS_Linux_110_182984.tar.gz
    • ArcGIS_Server_Linux_110_182973.tar.gz
    • ArcGIS_DataStore_Linux_110_182986.tar.gz
    • Portal_for_ArcGIS_Web_Styles_Linux_110_182985.tar.gz

  4. Obtain the Portal for ArcGIS 11.0 authorization file (.json) and ArcGIS Server authorization licensed for ArcGIS GIS Server (.epc or .prvc) and place them on the EC2 instance.
  5. Download the ArcGIS Cookbook version 4.0.0 (arcgis-4.0.0-cookbooks.tar.gz) to the EC2 instance, untar and unzip the file, and place the files contents in the /var/chef directory.
  6. Delete the /var/chef/nodes directory.
  7. Create a copy of the /etc/chef/node.json file and rename it to upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_primary_step2.json.
  8. Open the upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_primary_step2.json file in a text editor and modify the following parameters:

    • Set the arcgis version to 11.0.
      "arcgis" : {
          "version": "11.0",
    • Set the arcgis archive repository to the folder where you placed the software files on the EC2 instance.
      "arcgis" : {
          "repository": {
      	  "archives": "/<path and folder>"
    • Set the server authorization to the location of your ArcGIS Server 11.0 authorization file.
      "server" : {
          "authorization_file" : "/<path>/my_new_server.prvc"
    • Set the portal authorization to the location of your Portal for ArcGIS 11.0 authorization file.
      "portal" : {
          "authorization_file" : "/<path>/my_new_portal.json",
    • Modify the run list to use the following recipes:

  9. Save and close the upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_primary_step2.json file.
  10. As the ubuntu user, change directory to /var/chef, and run the following command: sudo chef-client -z -j /etc/chef/upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_primary_step2.json

The script runs to upgrade the components on the primary instance.

When the primary upgrade completes successfully, you can proceed to configure the web adaptor on the standby instance.

Upgrade web adaptor on standby

Once the primary Chef-Run completes, log in to the standby instance again to configure the web adaptor for the portal.

  1. SSH to the standby EC2 instance as the ubuntu user.
  2. Make a copy of the /etc/chef/upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_standby_step1.json file and rename it to upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_standby_step3.json.
  3. Open upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_standby_step3.json in a text editor and alter the run list to only run the portal_wa recipe.

    "run_list" : [

  4. As the ubuntu user, change the directory to /var/chef, and run the following command: sudo chef-client -z -j /etc/chef/upgrade_base_enterprise_ha_ubuntu_standby_step3.json

The script configures the ArcGIS Web Adaptor for the portal.

Upgrade using a CloudFormation template

If you used the 10.9 or 10.9.1 arcgis-enterprise-ha.template.json CloudFormation template to create a highly available base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, you can use the 11.0 arcgis-enterprise-ha-upgrade.template.json file to upgrade it. See Upgrade highly available ArcGIS Enterprise components using CloudFormation for instructions.

If you used 10.9 or 10.9.1 CloudFormation templates to create a distributed highly available ArcGIS Enterprise components configured on separate EC2 instances, use the corresponding template to upgrade. The following table lists equivalent deployment and upgrade templates and provides links to instructions for using the upgrade templates.

10.9 or 10.9.1 deployment template11.0 upgrade templateCloudFormation upgrade template instructions



Upgrade a highly available Portal for ArcGIS deployment using CloudFormation



Upgrade a multiple machine ArcGIS Server site using CloudFormation



Upgrade a primary-standby ArcGIS Data Store deployment using CloudFormation



Upgrade a clustered ArcGIS Data Store deployment using CloudFormation